Projects and the Like

Juliet helped me make a loaf of bread to start off our new year!  We couldn't bake it until the 2nd, since it has to sit for 18+ hours, but we did start it on the 1st. = )

And, I got to use the wax covers that Sarah got me! (She found them at the dollar tree!) I'm still trying to find a good way to store them.

Juliet made a fancy wrapped box for Billy's birthday.  = )

I saw a video on the internet, that said if you put a piece of bread on the counter next to your onion while you are cutting it, your eyes won't water.  So, I thought, why not try it.  And it totally worked!!!

The loaf of bread that was the fruit of my & Juliet's labors! 

The Helterbrands bought Emily and William wireless headphones for Christmas, and sent them stickers so that they could tell them apart.  William was quite excited to get his labelled!

Emily's friend Abby came to spend the night during the break.  They wanted to make gluten free cupcakes, so they used some of my potato flour!!!

They ate round one like muffins, without frosting, and they must have been good enough, because they all had a second one, with icing!!!

I am working my way through a puzzle book, and this style of puzzle has me stumped.  I don't have a good way to do it.  I'm considering building an excel document.  It's hard in that most of the clues are related to other clues.  I tired doing it like a logic puzzle first, but there were not enough clues.  Does anyone have any suggestions.  The tilted names were superfluous.

After a thwarted attempt at Menards, after Sarah's failed kiosk attempt,  I ended up at Ace Hardware to get each of the kids a key cut.  They worked!!!   So Emily's life is now fully improved: everyone has a key, so she's no longer solely responsible for unlocking the door afterschool, her Eb Alto Saxophone has been cleaned and repaired, and her new phone* has a much longer battery life!

While placing my BJs order, I noticed that Cocoa Pebbles cereal was on Clerance for $3.98, for the double bag box!  While I'm sad that I think this means that they will no longer carry it, we eat a lot of cereal, so I put in an order for 15 boxes!  While at Gordons I did some price comparison, which validated my purchase. That's an 11oz box for $3.99, as opposed to the BJs 38oz (split into two bags) for $3.98.

The tower of cereal!  The kids were really excited, and helped me find a place (behind the coats in the laundry room) to stash it all.  We have until August before it hits the expiration date, so I don't think we'll have any issues with waste.

Grace wanted a tablet stylus, and found some on Amazon. I told her to see if she could find a DIY tutorial.  She found one, and it worked!

She hasn't used it since the first night, so I'm really glad she didn't spend any money on it!

Last week, Juliet came home with a blank VIP poster!  She wanted to get started right away.  After she picked out some pictures, I helped her print them, and she designed her poster.  I helped with the word search, on which she wanted to add some Easter Eggs, so she hid Kennedy, Luna, Grace's names as well as the teacher and para's names! = )

To keep my daily caffeine consumption low, I've been filling only the very bottom of my tea ball with my Scottish Breakfast Tea blend.  One day, when one of my herbal teabags ripped (the tag glue was too strong) I took the opportunity to see how much tea is actually in a tea bag!

Not that much actually!  It is a little more than I put in each morning, but not by much!

On Wednesday and Thursday mornings I ended up shovelling the small bit of snow that we got before Billy and I drove on it.  Then would finish up after taking the big kids to the bus stop.  Well, on Wednesday, our power kept flickering off for just a few seconds at a time, but would always come back on.

I went to Carl's straight after dropping off the twins, to get Billy's birthday cake.  Well, Carl's had some pumpkin bread mix in their clearance area, so I bought 3 boxes, because it's out of season and I really like it.

Anyhow, I came home and made myself a pot of Lemon Loaf tea, and mixed up a box of the pumpkin bread.  It hadn't been in the oven 5 minutes when the power went out and didn't come back. = (  I left it in the oven, since it had already started.

While sitting in a dark, progressively colder house, I attempted to heat up my lunch using the heat from my hot tea.  It might have been wishful thinking on my part, but I felt like the bottom was a little warmer than the top!

The power was out for about two hours, and about two minutes after it came back on, we got the email from Grace and Juliet's school that they were going to have an early release.  I dropped what I was doing and was the second person in the pickup line!

The pumpkin bread only needed 30 minutes at the correct temperature to finish, and it came out alright!  In fact, the kids almost finished the loaf before bed!

The plant light makes a cool pattern of light through the water bottles that we set on the counter each night, in preparation of school the next day.  The green water bottle seems to create most of the colors!

Next week is Kristy's birthday, so I made her a water bottle carrier!  Since I haven't given it to her just yet, I won't be linking this post on my facebook. = )

It came out cute enough that Grace has asked me to make one for her!  I told her, maybe for her birthday. = )

later days
 *I don't know if I've told the story, or the conclusion, but Emily got a "new" phone, because getting a replacement battery in her current phone was going to cost more than replacing it.  Granted, we shop for phones on 'swappa' so they are new to us, not necessarily brand new.

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