Billy's 42nd Birthday!!!

Thanks to Sarah's generosity in watching the kids, we celebrated Billy's birthday in two parts this year!  

First, the two of us went back to East Lansing, and stayed at the Wild Goose Inn again, in a different room.  We loved the room we had last time, and this one was just as good, if not better!

Our first stop was a Taco and Tequilla bar that Billy wanted to try the last time we were there, but couldn't fit in.  I didn't much care for my taco (no tomatoes, and I had to ask for the sour cream that I had marked on the checklist) but the marinated beef was really tasty.  Billy really liked his, and the queso was pretty good!  He liked the tequilas in the flight that he tried.  I'm not a huge tequila fan, so I didn't enjoy my drinks much, but I'm really glad that Billy was pleased.

Our next stop was at a Mexican restaurant, whose awnings we had once taken cover beneath, creating the background for one of my favorite family pictures during BATYOT!

I enjoyed this place more.  We sat at the bar (Billy's favorite thing to do) and once I found out that they had more than just Tequilla (what is the deal with East Lansing and Tequilla?) I enjoyed my drink much more! = )

The queso here was even better. That's the only food we ordered, since we had just eaten.  The chips were really good, and I found two that made me think of animals, so I took pictures for the kids. = )

The first looked like a bird head to me!

The next was an elephant foot. = )

From there, we went to the Tin Can, since the last time we were there, it was at occupancy, and we couldn't go.  It was definitely the least posh place we visited, but not nearly as busy since classes weren't back in session yet. 

Canes was our last stop.  We shared a meal with extra bread. = )  And since we're old, that was the end of our evening. 

The next morning, breakfast ran from 8-10.  Our room was out in the guest house, with one additional room.  We heard our neighbors go to breakfast at almost 8 on the dot, so were very surprised that we were the second ones to arrive almost 45 minutes later!  

Billy ate the oatmeal, and I had the eggs and toast. = )

They had a visitor, Yogi, who must have known that we would be easy touches when it came to table scraps.  We didn't want to get in trouble, so we didn't share, though we really wanted to. ; )

Since we'd had canes the night before, and No Thai wasn't yet open, we skipped out on lunch and just headed home to our dear ones.

Our second celebration of Billy was on his birthday, which fell on a Thursday this year.  Everyone got up 10 minutes early so that we could since and enjoy a cookies and cream ice cream cake for breakfast.  Despite having everything ready to roll, including setting the cake out to defrost, cutting the cake was really tricky, and I had to get out my biggest knife!

After dinner, he got to open his gifts, mostly gift cards, since that's what he requested, and lots of handmade cards from his children! = )

It was another fun year of celebrations, even with a looming snowstorm.

later days

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