This year, the 8th graders at Alice's school went on a field trip to the History Museum* and State Capitol. I signed up to be a chaperone. = )

I had a really great group, who spent time enjoying the exhibits, this was not true of all groups. They read signs and discussed things amongst themselves. It was really neat! I put a star by their favorite exhibits.

We started in the union area, and then preceded through the museum at our own pace. Our only time constraint was meeting back at 11 for lunch in the cafeteria.

Our trip from Texas was far less fraught.

I'm pretty sure this was the same sewing machine my Grandmother had!

I love that the looks of this stove are coming back en vogue!
A play stove!
They were expected to take pictures at certain exhibits for their reports. I guess I'm doing the same thing, voluntarily!
If this is an original poster, it's over 100 years old!
This makes Frank**'s "$35,000" house really impressive!
Alice and her BFF Melony hanging out on the 1920s streetscape!
I had no idea the company started as "Dodge Brothers!"
An old German mark! Though, I suppose in all fairness, all marks are obsolete at this point.
All the propaganda signs!
It took me a long time to read this as "ja." I thought it was supposed to be someone's initials, but couldn't' for the life of me imagine who!
A cool view of the building of the Mackinac Bridge.
I took a picture for Emily. = )
A wooden cup!
A very fun, retro living room!
I would absolutely wear these!
Kristey and I saw some of these foldable shovels as the state sale. I think she bought one! They haven't changed much!
This museum is so cool and really, really well done. I'm impressed every time, and always see something new!
Alice did not want to smile, but with enough persistence, I caught a bit of her smile!
I've seen the top of the lighthouse in the display above, many times, but never realized that it was set atop a lighthouse-type pillar below!
Many things from my childhood are on display in a special 'media through the years' exhibit. = 0
Anything about a company store will forever and always make me think about Fallout 76.
After lunch, we broke into two groups and our group walked over to the Capitol building. Our tour guide was awesome; he explained the history of the building itself, as well as some Michigan history.
We went in the wrong door (but it's the same one that we went in last time Alice's class went. It's no longer the correct visitor entrance.)
Much of the art in the building was covered or left to decay. They've spent a lot of money on restoration, and still have much work to do. I'm really glad they are putting money into it though, because it is a gem of a building!
Seeing this much Michigan makes me homesick. I feel like Texas displays like this are super easy to come by (even at gas stations!,) and I really miss them.
The dome itself is currently under construction, so we didn't get to see it. Our guide did show us the extra supports they brought in to bear the weight of the scaffolding above though.
Ornate ceilings in the stairwell, and really throughout the public areas of the building.
Wood painted to look like marble!
Even the stairs are fancy!
This chandelier is one of many throughout the building. It weighs around 400lbs. The keys on the bottom were gas valve controls, from the days when the lights were lit by gas. The shield 'tuebor' means "I will defend."
An unfinished portrait of one of the governors, at his behest. Each portrait is gifted to the capitol by the governor or their families.
The gallery is open to the public anytime the senate is in session!
This chamber is now a committee room, and the supreme court now has a large chamber at the top of the judicial building at the west end of the complex. (Alice has been there too!)
Raised decorations on the wall even!
Our house representative came to meet our group so that we could go out on the floor!
This painting is a new installation. The previous picture depicted an historical figure that was noted for his role in relocating the native population during Michigan's settlement. I don't recall either of their names, sadly.
Each representative has buttons that allow them to call a page if they need something, because there are times they are not allowed to leave their seats!
I close up of the fossil in one of the floor tiles!
Another lovely trip with Alice. Hopefully Emily will get her turn next year!
later days
*this is Alice's second trip, her first was a week long experience in 3rd grade. The twins also got to visit, but just for a single day. Emily and William have never been. Emily's trip was scheduled and paid for, but was derailed by covid.
**M*A*S*H reference.
edit: 3-1-24 backdated for continuity.