New Year's Eve!!!

We were invited to attend New Year's Eve celebrations with the Cornishes, so on New Year's Eve Eve, we made some foam number decorations!

Unfortunately, the girls went a little heavy on the paint, and so the numbers were still wet when we left for the party!

Each group came out super cute, they just had to hold them slightly away from their clothes, and then they went back into the box!

The girls helped me put glitter on mine!  The blue glitter is my favorite. = )

And my tub was full of all sorts of surprises this year, filled with the things that I'd collected, at yard sales and thrift stores, since last year were just tipped in, so we had plenty of new items to display, including the wall banner! = )

Poor Emily, her old phone died, and so we broke out Alice's old phone for her to use.  Unfortunately, her code was sending to her tablet, which was at home. = (

Steve and Natalie had a new pirate game that we played!  The rules were really long, but the game was fairly straight forward.  If Steve hadn't had bad luck, he wouldn't have had any luck at all, his rolls were awful, and I kept trying to, unsuccessfully, take a piece of land.  So, Either Billy or Natalie won this time!

Hopefully I can find some more plastic flutes this year, we didn't have enough for all of the kids, let alone the adults!

The adults played half of the Route 66 Finders Seekers game that Billy bought me for Christmas, but we were all tired, and so at midnight we headed home, adding our next meeting to the calendar to finish it up!

It was nice to ring in the new year with them again, and I'm sure if I compared this year's picture to last year's, every single one of them would look much older! = ) 


Grace was disappointed that we hadn't made punch for New Year's Eve, so she made it on New Year's Day.

Sometime between taking a picture of Juliet and taking a picture of Grace, they put up the banner.  I wanted the full set, so Juliet's picture was a remake of sorts.

I was putting the tub away in the basement, and was debating what to do with our homemade number banners.  They were a fun craft, but I didn't want to keep them for the next year.  So, I offered them to the twins' third grade teacher, because she has a senior this year, who will be having a party!  And if she tosses them, it won't bother me at all, because if she'd said no, I would have thrown them away myself.  = )

Looking forward to a great 2025!

later days

edited 2-11-25: backdated for continuity. 

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