Billy's 43rd Birthday!!

A few weeks before his birthday, I found a set of yard decorations at the thrift store* and so I had to put a reminder in my phone to set them up.  Of course, this year Billy's birthday was on a Saturday, so we put them up on Friday, so that he could be surprised by them! 

It was so cold when we went out to put them up, and predictably (though not obvious) the ground was frozen!  Thank goodness for recently fallen snow to pile and allow them to standup!

After the success for Alice's birthday, I also made a homemade ice cream cake for Billy's birthday!

Breakfast in bed for Billy, courtesy of the twins.  They even squeezed him fresh orange juice!

For lunch, Billy picked chick-fil-a, so we went, for the first time in forever, to eat in, on a very busy Saturday.  We crowded into a booth for 6, barely! = 0

I don't recall what this nugget is supposed to be shaped like, and Juliet isn't here for me to ask. I'll try to remember to ask her after school.  ::update:: she said it looked like a frog to her!

For his birthday, Billy wanted to go to high caliber!  Alice and Emily had been on a school trip, but it was a first visit for the rest of us.  As with so many things these days, registration was online, so while Billy waited in line, I hustled to get all of us registered on my phone**.

Height check!

Teenage mode initiated!

You'd never guess they had no play credits yet!

On our way to archery tag!

Archery tag was tiring!!!  Only Billy really had any skill, and there were tears just a few minutes into our session, so our host kindly let us swap out archery for gelly ball tag!

This was way more fun!  We did think that the balls would glow, when she offered the black lights, but they didn't, so it was actually really difficult to see whether or not you hit your target!

Action shot!

I don't remember the room being particularly cold, but Alice, Emily, Grace and Juliet all have on their outer coats.  I took a selfie that was too blurry to include, but I was not in my coat.

Even Alice participated, which means it must have been fun! <3

We didn't have much time in between our events, but I was able to get everyone some water cups, since we exerted some energy in the arena.

5 of us were tall enough for the faster go carts, and our time was 10 minutes earlier than the twins, so I only have a picture of the twins in their go carts, and none of the rest of us, since we were asked to leave all belongings off the track.

I'm really disappointed with my score, because they slow down your cart to get your attention, and I thought something was wrong with my cart, so I tried to pull over, but then Billy raced by me and I never regained the time. = (  Alice was practicing safe driving, not fun driving, so she was going slow.

Grace and Juliet were middle of their group!

After the go cart races, Billy offered to either buy the kids a game pass, give them a roblox gift card, or cash at home.  Juliet was the only one who wanted to stay and play in the arcade.  Grace followed her and watched her play (and played with her when multiplayer was available.)

Alice, Emily, William, and I went to explore the mall. I hadn't spent much time there, really only when Alice had her summer camp there, many years ago!

They had a mall triangle blocked off.  There was nothing above it, and the carpet didn't appear to be wet.  Possibly leftover from protecting a Christmas tree?  

We didn't get very far when we got called back, but Emily and Grace found a photo op!

Everyone had been anxious to get out the door, so we didn't have Billy's birthday cake for breakfast, but did enjoy it once we were back home!

Happiest of Birthdays to my favorite!

later days

 *I have wanted these for years, but wasn't willing to pay retail for them, just in case I didn't like them.  And the world doesn't need me buying plastic waste that they will make more of.  So when I saw them, even with the missing "I" i snatched them up!  The set also came with a valentine's set and graduation set.

**usually, I register at home on my PC, where I can easily see all the options and navigate much more efficiently.  We had discussed registering an actual party, complete with party room for him, but once we decided against that, the waiver didn't occur to me.  Also, I was able to register myself and the kids all under one account, but had to start a whole new process for Billy, which I hadn't quite finished by the time he made it to the front of the line.

edit 2-11-25: backdated for continuity. 

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