Other Fun Little Things

A video I watched today called this time of year 'airport time' and I agree.  It feels very surreal.  Fast and Slow.  The kids are off, but Billy is working, and stores are open weird hours.

This first picture I guess could have gone in the Christmas post, since it actually happened Christmas day, but it didn't make the cut.  I made up some leftover containers for my mom, sister, and cousin.  Since my mom was sick, I just bagged it up and stuck it on the porch.  This was a wise choice, as Sarah and Acea went down sick not long after, with whatever my mom had!

Grace wanted to go shopping for some organizational items, so the day after Christmas, we met Daddy for lunch, then went to the thrift store.

She found exactly what she was looking for, and used some of her Christmas money to buy it.

Then she came home and set up her new 'art station.'

I made a big mistake and bought some rose bud fertilizer to help some of my indoor plants.  Unfortunately for me, when it got wet, it smelled like rotting fish. ew.  So, after a week of the smell not really receeding, I added repotting my plants to the to do list, and did manage to make it happen!  My succulent has lost most of it's leaves from the trauma, so hopefully at least one of them will propagate!  

Despite picking a warm day to work, so that the stinky soil could go in my raised garden beds, it was cold and I worked inside in my kitchen sink.  It was messy!  But worked well and I think both plants will enjoy their new pots.

The following day, we ended up going back out, because we forgot to bring Emily's Eb Alto Saxophone to get the register cork replaced.  While we were out, Grace wanted to go to a thrift store, but as we were in the same area as we had been the day before, we opted for an international market instead.

Google lens makes things so much easier, and we bought this "fairy tale cake."  Oh.my.gosh.  it was soooooooooo good.  Very rich, you really only needed a tiny piece.  I cannot get over the fact that frozen and thawed cake could taste that good!

In the mood to host a tea party, so took a picture of some of the options available for later reference.

Grace and Emily picked out some things to try, and I bought this paste that I'd read about in a book I read (earlier this year? last year?)

Building a Squishmallow fort was a fun activity for Emily, Grace, and William.

Heleena came over for the night, and they had a good time with makeup and dressing up!

My mom found a free organizational solution for my cousin, but wanted to spruce it up a bit, so I cut some vinyl.  She applied it today, I thought it looked pretty good.  

She did it after he left for work today, so I don't think he's seen it yet.  I might not report back, unless he is supremely unhappy with the result, which would be quite surprising, and I would want to record the reasoning. lol.

Stacking stuffies in various piles and popping out of one has been a pastime for the girls (excepting Alice) the past two nights!  I have a few videos too.

I'm glad they are enjoying their Christmas gifts!

I am anticipating this being the final post of the year, shy of New Year's Eve, which might go on next year, and the year's weather log!  See you in the new year!

later days

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