This post has all the other fun little happenings that didn't have a home elsewhere.
The first sleepover of the break was Kennedy, she and Juliet were on their tablets within two minutes of walking in the door!
While picking out their designated gift (each child gets a sibling to buy for at Christmas, paid for by me) the twins quickly selected their gifts, and were playing with some wooden letters while Alice continued shopping.
While out thrift store shopping at the MSU surplus store, my mom and I saw a bunch of writing utensils at the bottom of one of the bins on the free porch! She tested a few of them at random, and despite the 20F temperature, they all worked! So, we collected all we could see.
Once we finished shopping, I came home to get ready for a sub job, and tried to test and sort each one, but ran out of time. So, I had to finish my sorting once I got home. |About 75% of the tools worked!
I offered all of the children whatever they wanted for their teachers, but no one wanted to carry them up to school. = ( So, I bagged them, and gave the highlighters and dry erase markers to the twins' teacher, and put the others in the staff room. I've since collected the rejects, and gave them to Kirsty to let Zoey pick through! I'm glad they didn't just toss them, but I can't believe that they went into the free area without attempting to sell them. Of course, it could be that they don't sell well, or it takes too long to sort, test and price them. The ones that didn't work, William and I took down to the recycling receptacle at UofM.
Emily is getting new Crocs for Christmas, but her final week of school, a hole broke through in her old ones. Her new ones hadn't yet arrived, or I would have let her open them, so duct tape it is!
One of the regular rummage sale churches hosts a 'nicer' rummage sale in December each year too. My mom found a school memories book for Grace. I almost didn't get it, because the proportions were different than mine and Emily's, but considering how much time and care she put into filling hers out, I was glad that I did!
We had to pull out several years' worth of school pictures, and since she and Juliet wear the same thing each year, it was trickier than when Emily and I did it for her book a few years ago.
I could only find larger ones from third grade, so ended up scanning and printing a replacement for the book. It looks okay, and she refused to let me use Juliet's picture, for some reason? But, during our homeschool years, we didn't have any pictures professionally taken, so we used first day of school pictures in hers and Emily's.

Grace was showing hers to Juliet, who has not yet asked for one, but I think she might eventually, so please let me know if you see one! Emily tends her own, with minimal help from me (we just have to track down the photo corners each year!!! And we are now keeping them in the senior sleeve of Emily's book, so we know exactly where to find them from here on!)

On the same day as the 'nicer' rummage sale, my mom and I went up to a consignment store in Okemos. We went on the perfect day, because they were having a fill a bag sale in the basement, and complimentary lunch, since it was the first Friday of the month!
We will be back for sure!
After three, or four, or maybe even five winters, Juliet's adorable little set was just too small for her. The sleeves were halfway up her forearm, and her ankles were clearly visible. I mended a few holes that had formed, then we donated the set to the love clothing center. My mom told me that it was good timing, as they were doing a coat only day that weekend! We sure will miss you, purple polka dots!
Billy bought me these, Piper's Sandals' when Emily was a toddler, so maybe the birthday right before William was born? They've held up well, and each year, I coat them in leather lotion before putting them away for the winter. The soles were looking a little sad, so it was time to send them in. I've never done this before, but according to their literature, they keep your footprint when they refurbish them, so you don't have to break them in again!
I'm hoping to do a before and after with this, and my tracking info says that it was delivered, but as my check has not been cashed, and I haven't heard any news, I just have to believe that I will get them back in time for spring!
Short Wednesdays are a great time for a playdate with Heleena!
Oh, dishwasher. They got it fixed pretty fast, but I'm always glad we get the five-year warranty!
To celebrate Billy's new job, we went out to Arby's to celebrate! And, we used the ice cream money from Enisi so that everyone could get a shake! = )
So far, I'm the only one in the family who's gotten to meet the Olmstead's new goats, but they sure are cute!
Our leaf raking this year was a little lacking, as we only did it twice. The first time, the twins built a 'cave' inside this pile. I think Grace is the one you can actually see here, but they are both in there.
Grace Crocker (b. 2014)
Name Art, 2024
Goldfish on Cafeteria Table
50.8 cm x 20.32 cm (20 in x 8 in)
Everyone had to help for five minutes, and we got so much done! Of course, once you were out there, you wanted to finish your section, so the twins made sure their section was particularly leaf-free!
But it was a lot of leaves!
Kristy and I went out thrift shopping this past week, and found a new amazon pallet place to visit. We went on $2 day. Most things were a little pricy, but they don't allow shopping baskets or bags, so you can only buy what you can carry (and of course you can go as many times as you want, but it keeps it more fair!) But I digress, we both found some good deals, then went over to the retail side and got a few more goodies!
My favorite find was this dancing graduation llama! I bought a single one, because it reminded me of our Falalallama that we put out at Christmas each year. and I thought we could put it out at each graduation.
But, after a lunch with Billy, I went back on $1 day (Tuesday) and they still had plenty of them, so I bought one for each of mine, and one for each of Haley's kids. Since Coyt has already graduated, I didn't know if he wanted one or not, but I figured for a dollar, we could find someone to give it to if he didn't. I also bought a few other items that I wouldn't pay $2 for, but was willing to dish out the $1. ; )

I took out all the batteries, so that they wouldn't expire and leak in the years between now and graduation. So, Sarah has a whole stock of singing llamas in her basement now! lol. Thank you Sarah!
later days
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