At almost the end of marching band season* Alice's band played all of their marching songs, one more time, in the auditorium. It kind of doubled as a senior recognition and awards night. Their songs had the twins dancing in their seats, but it was loud!!!
Alice and I had a couple of exchanges when trying to decide what she should bring to the Christmas concert reception. She wanted to bring some edible 'coal' but as we needed half the ingredients and a new kitchen tool to make it, she settled on St. Lucia cakes. The day of, she didn't feel like making them though. = (
We had all of the ingredients on hand, but I did not use enough spray on my first batch, and it took me so long to clean out the tiny little cake molds by hand! On subsequent batches I used plenty of spray, and they slid right out, allowing for a much faster turn around time. I had to fend of my family, but made around 120 to share.
There were sooooooo many treats at the reception, we ended up bringing home at least half of them, but our family made quick work of them, and they were gone by the following evening.
The morning snow made things quite slippery, so school was out for all five of them, but the concert was still on. It was a slow drive there, in the dark, but the roads were manageable.
William spent his day completing missing math assignments, but finished his last page before we came home!
Emily and William's concert was delayed a week, and occurred on a terrible night for driving. There was a light rain coming down, and then the temperature dropped below freezing, and the roads were slick and icy. We saw a van that had slid off of the interstate, so I was going slooooooooooooow.
Once we got there, I called Billy and told him not to come, because it wasn't worth the risk.
The 7th/8th grade band is about half the size of the beginning band this year!
I sat where we did last year, which was a mistake, because William is in the beginning band, and was way across the gym. = (
Taking some picture of Emily with her friends. = )
But when it was time for my pictures they were both so tired. lame.
Super proud of all three of my band members!!!
And since Alice didn't come this year, there were no after concert snacks. = (
later days
*excepting Silver Bells, which happened the Friday before Thanksgiving.
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