This year, Bill and Brenda got to come up for almost an entire week! They have a trailer that they improved into an RV. It is comfortable enough for the dogs to spend their days in, and them to spend the nights, well, until we stayed below freezing for days in a row.
Before they arrived, I subbed and found the most apt Thanksgiving poem in a book at the twins' school.
The twins usurped all of Enisi's time the second they arrived! They couldn't wait to show her all of the things we collected for her during the year.
All 5 had two days of school the week of Thanksgiving, so Monday night saw us all going up to the school for the twins' art show!
Grace showing off her art.
Juliet showing off her art.
Not the twins' art, but a very cool effect on the clay pumpkins! It maded them look really soft, but they were porous and rough to the touch.
For "friendsgiving" Grace wanted to bring sprite (so easy!) and Juliet wanted mashed potatoes (not so easy.) But I made up 32 servings of mashed potatoes to deliver to school on Tuesday afternoon. My girls are really good at gratitude though, so it was totally worth it!
All three Williams (II, IV, III) and Grace!
All my girls!
Billy's parents, very kindly, gave him one of their vehicles, a Cadillac XT5. It's so fancy that I had to get instructions just to use the gear shift! This meant a trip to the SOS, but with an appointment, our wait was minimal!
Thanksgiving this year was paid for by my sister, since Billy hadn't yet started at his new job, so Bob Evans did the heavy lifting, and my mom helped me reheat the food, while Brenda entertained the children and Bill and Billy argued something political, or monetary, or something very important. ; )
In picture one we got Avia and Alice,
Picture two had Grace, Emily, and Enisi!
No pictures with everyone, but Juliet did a good job, and made sure everyone had a handprint on the tablecloth!

By my calculations, I have 10 years left on this tablecloth, and by then we'll probably need a new table anyhow!
We sent some leftovers home with Avia for Sarah and Acea, so they could also enjoy some tasty Thanksgiving food!
Grace decked out our garden pumpkin for Thanksgiving!
Speaking of Grace, she was totally, 100% safe getting down the fire starter.
I finally got out my favorite Christmas decoration from my childhood, after 10 or so years of it being stored away, and found that it was wrapped in a wiggles sheet?! Is this considered vintage yet?
And there he his! The Santa with his cookies and toys! I had to replace two of the bulbs in the cottage this year, but bought a 5 pack, so as the others burn out, I'll have replacements!
Once the Christmas decorations were out, and the pumpkin pie was gone, the whipped cream disappeared; has anyone seen it?
So strange; I guess some mysteries will never be solved.
On Friday, all of my crew, plus Bill and Brenda, loaded up and went to see Moana 2! I enjoyed the solitude and got many projects done around the house!
They left early Saturday morning, but not too early, since we got some overnight snow, and the plows needed time to clear the roads.
Hopefully they'll be able to come more often with the new trailer!
later days
12-22-24 backdated for continuity.
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